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Before installing the siding, you should make sure that the walls are level. The siding should be nailed to the plywood with a pop rivet and a 1/8″ hole in each corner. Place a starter strip on each corner and nailed 1/4″ below the bottom. Mark a starting line on the top of the siding and place a piece of chalk or taut line on it. Then, nail the next row of siding to the bottom of the starter strip.

Then, choose a contractor specializing in siding installation. There are several factors to consider when hiring a contractor. Choosing the right professional is important, as you want the project to be completed on time. Be realistic about the timeframe of the project and ensure that you’re not overcharged. Siding installation can take days, so it is best to plan for this. When hiring a siding installer, make sure you know the process. Remember, the type of siding will affect how long it takes.

A siding contractor will schedule the job around your schedule. They will have more people available for the project, which means the project can be completed sooner. The siding should be nailed to the corners, but not too deep. When selecting a contractor, ensure that they have good experience and a good reputation. The final step in the process is painting the siding, and this can add days to the overall project. However, remember that the work will not end until the job is complete.